Bottom Left Igloo: Sports/Olympics This is a little hard to make. Any sports items work. You can also  have it be based on your favorite team!

Top Left Igloo: Red vs. Blue             This igloo is easy to make. Any thing red and blue works.

Mid-Left Igloo- Rain Forest-Based Resturaunt 

This is pretty easy to make. All you need is plants and resturaunt items. (My current igloo)

Welcome to Fipper 30000's Better Penguin Homes! You can only make these if you are a member. Sorry if you can't make them. Check for new igloo tomorrow! 

Bottom Right Igloo: Hotel -            This igloo is very hard to make. P.S. If you're not a ninja, this is exteremly hard to make.

Mid-Right Igloo-    Farm

      This igloo is easy to make. Soon, your igloo will be full of color! It is my current igloo. ( Igloos with yards work best ) 

Top Right Igloo: Restaurant - This igloo is very easy to make. Any kitchen items work. You can also give it a little flare to discribe you!

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